Sunday, June 21, 2009

G'bye. See ya soon.

Sorry, Blog postponed

Isn’t that how it goes; you no sooner get rolling and something breaks or happens to knock you off track some how.
With me, it’s deteriorating health. It’s causing me to move to other facilities, so it’ll be a while before I’ll be regrouped, hooked-up, and finally going again; I figure a couple of weeks, maybe a bit more…
In any event, I do want to thank all of you that have sent me kind wishes and your questions regarding my answers about life and the Universe. Aarron, my primary guide, was also impressed. It gives me a great deal to choose from, to answer, when I get back.
Let me leave you with this to consider;
There is no death, no accidents, no coincidences.
Everything happens for a reason and the Universe is unfolding exactly as it should.
You are here to learn the lessons you require to rise above all your fears, and what you call “Problems” are the “Challenges” you asked for and that the Universe provided, as ways to grow, raising your spirit’s cosmic frequency higher, little by little, so that your inner strengths will now allow you to learn those lessons that all learn eventually, no matter how many lifetimes it takes.
And, all others are loving souls, just like you, doing the BEST that they can do, not necessarily the best they know how to do. Remember that of them when they stray from the path.

Well, Bye for now. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Feel free to e-mail me any questions you may be pondering. Thanks.

Jerry Lott on CD Baby