Sunday, September 20, 2009

Learning some spiritualness helps us learn some spiritualness, of course...

I was kind of driven [?], I’d guess you’d call it, from an early age to a life-long spiritual quest.
By six or so, I was starting to ask those unanswerable questions to which the grown-ups around me could only reply with tired old phrases they had memorized from their Sunday School days and beyond. They had asked the same questions back then, but had accepted as true, these same clichés they gave to us, long ago, and hadn’t questioned them since.
But, “…God moves in mysterious ways” and, “…Only the Lord knows”, and others answers like them, gave me little satisfaction.
And no one suggested that I look into other religions, because in the 40’s and 50’s there were plenty of areas in which you could grow up completely and never know that there was any thing besides Christianity that you might care to study, so that you might exercise your right of freedom of religion, supposedly guaranteed by our Constitution .
I’ll bet there still are area like that.. But, not many. We’ve learned a lot in 50 years. Now, we know that a very believable case can be made for a spiritual practice to include using the power of the mind to create, practice and perfect a “religion” of your own, whether it be completely new or incorporating and combining various “Universal” truths that seem to keep popping up in one religion after another, or some variation of any of these.
I prefer the combining/mixing method. I read, I talk, I observe and listen…If I run across something interesting, that appears may bring something positive to my life, might make my life better in some way, I look deeper into it.
I can “try it on like an old suit of clothes”, picturing it added to my life and seeing how it may change my life, positively or otherwise. This is usually easier in a meditation, but is not always required.
If I can see positive actions resulting from a short time with it, I will begin to add it to my life on a daily basis to learn the lesson[s] that I had it bring to me, in the hopes that I would learn it in this lifetime.
But this is just practicing with it. It doesn’t mean Mastery of it, the full adaptation of it into my life. That may take years…or only a few days. You just never know. I have a number of them that I’ll probably be working on for a few more lifetimes, having worked on them for more than a few lifetimes already. But, that’s the nice thing about eternity…it has all the time you need to learn all the Universal lessons that you came here to School-House Earth to learn, having made arrangements, before you ever got here, for this life to unfold in such a way as to present you with the opportunities by which you will learn them.....
[…continued soon]

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